
Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
4. Apply Formulas and Functions
4.4 Format and Modify Text with Functions: Use the RIGHT, LEFT and MID Functions


Making the Formulas Work

Big Customer databases and Enterprise Management systems may have very specific reports. The data is often a string of information glued together, say part number, product, description and price. Microsoft Excel is the best tool for working with strings of data. The next couple of pages will use the Formulas to put strings together and take them apart.


1. Try it: Open a Sample Spreadsheet

Please download and open a sample file we have used many times in this course:
Sales 2013 Original Data.xlsx

What Do You See? There is a spreadsheet named Original Data. There are 68 records.

The Header Row includes the following Fields:
Month, Client, Category, Service, Product, Sales Rep and Amount.

Keep going...

File ->Open